Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lack of Proper Discipline

They are everywhere, in the malls, the grocery store, airports and even public parks.   The nation is being over run by spoiled screaming children, who know if they scream loudly enough their parents will give in and give them their way just to keep them quiet.   The reason children are allowed to behave this way is because parents fear they will be charged with abuse if they speak harshly or dare spank a child. Innocent parents are constantly being reported to the child protective workers for simply spanking children with their hands or picking up a squirming hard to hold onto child and removing them from a store.   The witness assumes that because the child is making all manners of noise the parent is causing them harm.  Ã‚   Once protective services are called, the children can tell any type of horror story they want to make up and the workers will automatically believe them, because they could not imagine that children could lie. The children have learned this and know that a parent will never discipline them in public places, therefore the child causes scenes in public places to control the parent.   There is and should be a limit to the amount of discipline a parent can inflict upon children and child abusers should be punished.   No parent who intentionally inflicts injuries such as cigarette burns or broken bones to a child should continue to be allowed to raise their children. The problem is however, that the child abuse laws have become strict to the point that normal caring parents do not dare to set limits for children for fear of losing their children. Many people every year have their children removed from their homes at least temporarily due to mistaken reports and children telling stories to turn innocent disciplinary practices into reports of child abuse.   This fear has led parents to allow children to control them, children who grow believing they can get away with breaking laws as they did parental rules, and a society of people filled with disrespectful people. In past generations, parents disciplined children when they misbehaved, thus teaching the children to follow the parent’s rules and to obey what they told them.   Unfortunately, during those generations parents sometimes went to the extremes with discipline to the point that the children were injured and actual abuse sometimes occurred.   Due to this abuse, laws were created to protect the children. These laws were important and well intentioned.   However, because of the laws, parental disciplinary practices were forced to go from parents being allowed to do whatever they needed to in order to make their children behave to being reported for child abuse if they even speak harshly to their children.   There should be some middle ground.   Parents still need to be able to make their children mind within reason (spanking with hand, scolding, and physically removing from places or situations). Children in current society know that their parents are afraid to spank or in most cases even scold them especially in public. For this reason the children throw temper tantrums in the malls if the parents tell them they do not need the expensive toy they want.   The parents could continue to say no and the child would then continue to argue until the frustrated parent gives in and gets them the toy.   The same thing happens in the grocery store for the best snack and in the park when the child refuses to go home when the parent tells them it is time to go.   This allows the child to be in control of the parent rather than the parent in control of the child. Because these children learn that they do not have to listen to or obey their parents, they grow up with the belief that they do not have to listen to anyone.   This leads them to take advantage of other people and make decisions based only upon the advantages that can be gained for themselves regardless of the effects these decisions may have on others.   This complete disregard of rules often includes such things as the law.   If they as teenagers or sometimes even adults see something in a store they want, they may be very inclined to take it. They have never been taught that they have to earn things and they can not just take what they want, therefore they feel entitled to take anything they want any time they want it.   They are more likely to cause harm to people who attempt to keep them from achieving their goals or cheat others out of opportunities.   This has helped lead to the increased crime rate in the country.   Crimes such as shoplifting, assault and in some cases even murder come as a result of spoiled undisciplined children growing into spoiled undisciplined adults. In the generations when children were still disciplined for not listening to parents, children were taught to respect their elders and other people as well as rules.   The children of the modern generation learn to respect no one and nothing, because they have no rules to follow.   They simply learn that no means they simply need to throw a bigger fit or do whatever else they need to do in order to get their way. As adults, these people yell at others and call other people names any time they want to for no reason.   They push and shove their way to the front of lines even if it means stepping on all of the people in front of them.   By taking away the rights of parents to teach their children to be respectful of others, society is creating a whole group of people who do not care about anyone. This is the society where people run over and trample each other in malls to get the last hot children’s toy in the store before Christmas.   Stampedes like those of frightened cattle herds leave people injured or even dead, when large groups of people all try to enter popular events or exit buildings in a hurry.   Once people would stop to assist others, but now if someone falls down, the others simply step over or on them and go on. It is sad to discover that laws designed to protect children have effectively led to an entire society of people who do not care about anyone but themselves.   The laws were needed, but some people have said that violence leads to violence and therefore children should never be subjected to physical discipline.   While it is true that extreme and unnecessary punishment is abusive and may lead children to imitate violence later, there is a middle ground between the two extremes. A swat from a parent’s hand on the seat of the pants does little more than embarrass the child in public.   This would lead the child to be less likely to throw screaming tantrums in public, which embarrass the well intentioned parents who did nothing more than choose to take their children out into public with them.   Children who are raised with some degree of discipline and well defined rules that are followed through with, grow up to be much more well-rounded, respectful and realistic adults. If a child is allowed to raise a parent instead of providing the parents the right to raise the child, then the crime rate will continue to rise and people will become increasingly more disrespectful.   People have begun to look at hand outs and even luxuries as entitlements rather than things that should be strived for and earned.   These declines in society are caused by over zealous people, who as well intentioned as the may have been have taken away all leverage parents once had to teach their children that rules are made for a reason and the word â€Å"no† actually means no not â€Å"scream louder†. Most people who become parents take the first look at the helpless new life and want to give the child the whole world.   They do not wish to inflict harm or create hardship for the child in any way.   They do however want that child to grow into a happy healthy, well adjusted adult.   In order to be a well-adjusted adult, the person needs to respect laws, rules and other people.   No one learns this automatically, it has to be taught, and the parents, who want the world for their children should have the right to teach this. They need to be able to set limits and follow through with discipline.   Loving parents who care for their children should not have to live in fear that if they discipline their children in order to teach them to respect rules and people, they will lose their children forever.   There should be more specific guidelines as to what constitutes abuse and it there should be more evidence to substantiate it rather than just taking the child’s word that Daddy hit me for a child to be removed from a home. In addition to this parents need to be informed as to what these guidelines are in order to insure they are operating within the limits of the laws. Although the days in which children should be seen and not heard are gone forever, the entire mall should not be subjected to hearing a child simply because the parent is afraid to discipline him. Lack of Proper Discipline They are everywhere, malls, grocery store, airports and even public places.  Running screaming as loud as they can where everyone can hear them. So that their  parents will give in to them just to keep them quiet. The reason why the children behaved  this way is that the children knows their rights. Parents are anxious to reprimand their  children or even punish their children in a certain way, otherwise, they will be  charged with child abuse. Innocent parents are the one being reported to the child  protected workers for spanking their children with their hands or just picking up a   squirming hard onto the child and removing them from any public places.And if the  observer assumes that that the child is making noise they think and conclude that the  parents is causing them harm, then call the protective services. Children can tell stories  that can get the sympathy of the workers just like telling a horror movie. The service  workers will entirely believe in the heartbreaking story of the children, because little  children doesn’t know how to fabricate stories and that they don’t tell a lie. Children  knows that there is a law that the parents cannot reprimand or hurt them in public places  as a result, the children will make scenes especially in public place. They are the ones  who are abusing their parents.There should be a boundary to the amount of discipline a parent can impose upon their children. Child abusers should be punished. No such parents who physically or emotionally abuse their children are allowed to raise them. However, the real problem is children abuse their rights to the point that normal caring parents do not dare to set limits in fear of losing their children.Every year, many children are temporarily removed from their homes due to mistaken reports and children telling stories   to turn innocent parents to disciplinary actions in child abuse.   This fear has led the parents to allow their children in control. Children who grew believing they can get away breaking laws as they did parental rules.  Ã‚   The society is full of discourteous people.In the past, parents reprimand their children when they misbehave implementing rules to follow and obey them. Unfortunately, during the past parents seem to discipline their children to the point that actual abuse occurred. Appropriate to this abuse, laws were created and implemented to protect the rights of the children. However, due to the laws, parents are forced not to take disciplinary actions for their children. They are not allowed to do what they ought to do in order to discipline them. There should be some focal points on this. Parents should be able to discipline their children at some points. In this generation, children know that parents are afraid to spank or scold them most especially in public places.Children take advantage of this by showing tantrums, refusing to listen to what parents say, ignoring them can b e a lot of trouble also to the parents. This behavior allows the child to be in control of their parents rather than the latter. Parents are more likely to feel manipulated by this kind of behavior They do not have to listen or obey because they can get what they want.  Ã‚   The last few decades have shown a rise of disobedience along with violence among children. and adolescents.This child learns that they don’t have to listen to anyone but themselves This children will grow up into spoiled, disrespectful adults and turn into a menace of the society. They do not listen to anyone, they believe in themselves and so they will break the law just to get what they want just like when they were still little children.Before, when children are well disciplined by their parents, they were taught to respect the elders and other people, as well as the law unlike in this modern generation now. In taking away, the rights of the parents in implementing their own disciplinary actions to c hildren, the society now is full of people that don’t care about anyone or anybody. They only think of themselves only. It is sad to know that the laws designed for the protection of the children were abused and used by the children. . This laws are good if you use it for the better and not exploit it.. While it is true that extreme and pointless punishments is rude and make children to imitate violence later, there is a focal point between the two extremes.If we look at it the other way, children will raise parents according to their manner as spoiled brats, discourteous individuals what will happen to the society? In reality, when an individual become a parent, most likely they do not want to inflict harm to their helpless child. They want to give the child the best of everything. Hence, protecting them from harm, showering them with love and affection. They want that child to grow up into a happy, healthy, well adjusted and good mannered adult.Parents should set limits, di scipline and teach their children about the rules and the law. They should inculcate the young minds with the rules and train them in a nice way so that when they grow up they will not depart from it. Parents should not be afraid in doing so. There are specific guidelines in constituting abuse. It is sad to realize that the laws was designed to protect the children but there is no result on the whole society because if we cannot discipline our children when they are still young, they will be more violence in the future they always think that they are always right.This is not in general but most children go in the wrong path in the future if they don’t know what discipline is. In the early generations children were closely controlled and monitored by their parents and they were trained how to respect for their elders and other people as well as they are the rulers. There’s a big difference between children born yesterday than today. Most modern children don’t kno w what respect is they have their own set of laws and one of their rules is parents should follow their set of laws. They don’t even call their parents as mom and dad, they only call them by names, not only their parents but for their sisters and brothers and even their elderly.They press on their way to the front of lines even if it means stepping on all of the people in front of them. They don’t care if other peoples hurt or not as long as they know that they are content of what they doing. Captivating away the rights of parents to teach their children to be deferential to others. But new society is creating an entire group of people who do not care about the right of a parent.A society where people run over and squash each other in malls to get the last hot children’s toy in the store before Christmas. Stampedes like those who are like a scared farm animal’s leave people hurt or even dead when huge groups of people all try to enter popular events or ex it buildings in a hurry. It’s so depressing to discover that laws wished-for to protect children have effectively led to an entire society who do not care about anyone but themselves. The laws were considered essential, but some people have said that violence leads to violence and therefore children should never be subjected to corporeal discipline.Research shows that although, love is the crucial basis on a child’s moral and civilized character is build, it is not enough. Parental discipline is extremely vital in helping a child to develop moral and civilized character.Work CitedBartkowski, John P. and W. Bradford Wilcox. â€Å"Conservative Protestant Child Discipline:The Case of Parental Yelling.† Social Forces. 79.1 (2000): 265-90.Baumrind, Diana. â€Å"The Discipline Controversy Revisited.† Family Relations. 45.4 (1996): 405-14Dowshen, Steven A., Neil Izenberg and Elizabeth R. Bass. The Kidshealth Guide forParents: Pregnancy to Age 5. Chicago, IL: McG raw-Hill Professional, 2002.Erlanger, Howard S. â€Å"Social Class and Corporal Punishment in Childrearing: AReassessment.† American Sociological Review. 39.1 (1974): 68-85.Flynn, Clifton P. â€Å"Regional Differences in Attitudes toward Corporal Punishment.† Journalof Marriage and the Family. 56.2 (1994): 314-24.Giles-Sims, Jean, Murray A. Straus and David B. Sugarman. â€Å"Child, Maternal and Family Characteristics Associated with Spanking.†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Family Relations. 44.2 (1985): 170-176.Herzberger, Sharon D. and Howard Tennen. â€Å"The Effect of Self-Relevance on Judgments of Moderate and Severe Disciplinary Encounters.† Journal of Marriage and the Family.47.2 (1985): 311-18.Holden, George W., Pamela C. Miller and Susan D. Harris. â€Å"The Instrumental Side ofCorporal Punishment: Parents’ Reported Practices and Outcome Expectancies.†Journal of Marriage and the Family. 61.4 (1999): 908-19.Larzelere, Robert E. and Jack A. Merenda. â €Å"The Effectiveness of Parental Discipline forToddler Misbehavior at Different Levels of Child Distress.† Family Relations. 43.4(1994): 480-88.Larzelere, Robert E., Paul R. Sather, William N. Schneider, David B. Larson and Patricia L. Pike. â€Å"Punishment Enhances Reasoning’s Effectiveness as a Disciplinary Response to Toddlers.† Journal of Marriage and the Family. 60.2 (1998): 388-403.Pearson, Linda Joan and L. A. Stamford. The Discipline Miracle: The Clinically ProvenSystem for Raising Happy, Healthy and Well-behaved Kids. New York: AMACOM Books, 2006.Szalay, Lorand B., Jean Bryson Strohl and Kathleen T. Doherty. Psychological Forces in Substance Abuse Prevention. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Employee Motivation at FMC Green River and Other Organizations Essay

Organizational behavior theories are known to differ as to what motivates employees, not because the essential characteristics of all employees are varied across organizations and industries. Rather, the motivational needs of employees differ from organization to organization because separate work situations, ethics and settings, in addition to their interaction with individual personalities, teams, and managements call for different employee needs to be prioritized. Employee motivation is simply referred to as an organizational method to satisfy employees in areas where they feel unsatisfied. Whereas poor health and safety conditions might be the Number One challenge to encounter in Company ABC, it is possible that the employees of FMC Green River would be more motivated by higher salaries. Moreover, the employees of FMC Green River may hold a collective opinion that their working conditions are the best in the industry. Hence, the management of FMC Green River would not be as focused on improving health and safety conditions as Company ABC should be. Given that job performance is a function of ability and motivation, it is appropriate to inquire into the specific needs of the workers in order to employ the correct mix of employee motivation strategies to boost job performance, company-wide (â€Å"Employee Motivation,† 2007). As an example, the employees of the Piketon Research and Extension Center and Enterprise Center were asked about the main motivating factors at their particular workplace. According to the research findings, the employees believed themselves to be motivated by the following, in the order of importance: â€Å"a) interesting work, (b) good wages, (c) full appreciation of work done, (d) job security, (e) good working conditions, (f) promotions and growth in the organization, (g) feeling of being in on things, (h) personal loyalty to employees, (i) tactful discipline, and (j) sympathetic help with personal problems (Lindner, 1998). Contrary to these findings, a peer reviewed study on employee motivation found that most employees across various organizations believe the following to be the chief motivators at the workplace: â€Å"enjoyment of the work; work/life balance; pay satisfaction; link between pay and performance;† and â€Å"adequate staffing levels† (Katcher). Thus, it appears essential to increase employee motivation only after inquiring into the main motivators in a specific organization. Also within a single organization, the blue collar workers are expected to be more motivated by an increase in pay, while the white collar employees might believe that enjoyment of work is more important. In this case, the organization would have to divide up its employees in two separate groups to inquire into the particular motivators for the blue collar workers as opposed to the white collar employees. It is best, therefore, for employee motivation strategies to be based on group by group studies, although organizations may also apply the rule of generalization. In that event, Company ABC would believe that it could effectively use the motivators of FMC Green River’s employees to improve the job performance of its own workers.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Essay ? Charles Dickens wrote this novel because he was keenly touched by the lot of poor children in the middle decades of the 19th century. This is the reason which motivated Dickens in doing this, before writing this novel. Before he decided to this he thought of publishing leaflets instead. On the other hand some critics have suggested that Scrooge’s redemption underscores what they see as the conservative individualistic and patriarchal of Dickens Carol Philosophy. Dickens own experiences influenced him a lot in why he wrote this novel and how he cares so much for the children, who were forced to hard labour in the workhouses from such young age as 12. Before the â€Å"New Poor Law† was introduced in 1834, a high percentage of young children were forced t work to make sure that them and their families did not die of starvation. There was a well known prison called the â€Å"The Marshelsea†, it became know in the 19th century around the world through the writing of the English novelist Charles Dickens. His father which was there in 1824 for a debt of ? 40 and 10 shillings however Dickens most traumatic experience was when he was forced to leave school at the young age of 12 to work in a factory instead. Dickens already had ideas of how to use these types of experiences in a novel. Some of the social conditions such as the new poor law have been shown in the â€Å"Christmas Carol† in this particular quote: â€Å"The Treadmill and the the poor law in full vigour then? † â€Å"Both very busy sir†` This quote proves to us that Dickens used his novel to express the social conditions through it. Dickens used Scrooge as the main character to show that wealthy people always have a responsibility to help those less fortunate. He clearly shows this view at the end of the novel where he gives a young boy money to buy a turkey for the Crachit family. The family isn’t the richest but has a really warm heart. Crachit tries showing Scrooge that life is not all about money and also that he should try to move on and forget about Bella. Scrooge had a really bad experience when Bella marries someone else because she told him that he cares about money more than her. Scrooge somehow had to overcome this tragic event in his life and since then he has not been able to celebrate a successful eve without thinking of her for even a moment. In much earlier in the novel 3 old men come up to Scrooge asking for money to donate to people for Christmas, however Scrooge is a cold hearted person so instead of donating a few shillings he says â€Å"Bah Humbug. † The main character of â€Å"A Christmas Carol† is Ebenezer Scrooge. He is an elderly man who lives in London, his sister died leaving a son whose name is Fred. In addition to this Ebenezer has no family. He is a very rich banker. Scrooges clerk Bob Crachit is a middle–aged man who has six children. Ebenezer is thin and has a slight hunchback, coal grey hair and a wrinkled old face, on which he has reddish eyes, a long pointed nose and thin blue lips as cold as ice. Like his employee Bob is very well dressed. Let’s take a look at Scrooge first, before he got visited by the spirits he was a very stingy person and only cared about his own interests. He couldn’t manage to share his money and was not sensitive to the suffering of others. Ebenezer was even harsh to his employee who never cheated, is reliable, hardworking and had to endure the bad behaviour on him. Bob is satisfied with not owning anything and having no money at all. Bob is satisfied with not owning anything and having no money at all, however the only things that matter for him and make him happy are the small but the most important things in life which is his family. After Scrooge got visited by the ghosts he changed positively and you could even say that was similar to Crachit. Just like he likes Christmas, is a good and open to others, joyous and happy. He even started to share money with the poor and expressed his feelings by helping others. In my opinion Scrooge turned into a better character and I admire his sudden transformation into a better human being. Bob Crachit’s characteristics are that he is poor, has a big family, young and takes care of his close ones, joyful and nice. The crachit family live in a small cosy home but they don’t have enough money to decorate it with luxuries because the most important thing for them is too have enough money for coal/fire so that they would be warm, however most importantly all they want to happen is for Tiny Tim to be a healthy again. The miraculous transformation that Scrooge has made makes us aware that good change is never too late. Also that money cannot buy happiness you just have to share it with other people to make something good of it. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. (2017, Feb 22).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Check instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Check instructions - Essay Example They will substantiate our dedication to quality, time, service, and cooperation. Purpose: This proposal is aimed at offering a description of the technical approach to be implemented by the firm in order to establish the best practices that will benefit all of the stakeholders by cutting down on cost, when the construction process is underway (Rees, 2011). Our engineers will carry out tests and experiments at the site of construction to investigate the quality of the soil, the topography, drainage and see if or how it is possible to set up the proposed project at the place. The company advances the Construction Management concept of teamwork, which entails the joint and synchronized efforts of the various personnel like the manager in charge of the construction, the architect, subcontracting companies, and project owner. The manager will offer the project owner with a proficient pool of employees who can predict and establish the costs involved in his chosen design. The Owner, the Construction Manager, and the Architect comprise of the team that is charged with the responsibility of pursuing the same goal (Holland, Roxburgh, Johnson, Topping, Watson, Lauder, & Porter, 2010). This technique essentially has the stakeholders in the construction team dedicating their services in a synergized manner, from the time the project is started through its conclusion. As the technical force in the project, the Architect’s main objective is to offer guidance on theory, design, and precise space planning. The Construction Manager offers advice on expenditure, construction techniques, and oversees and manages the real construction operations. SBT Constructions Ltd has the necessary qualifications and experience in executing the organization, development, design and building process: from theory and drawing of the plan to the procurement and installation of the facilities of an ideal fitness course (Golde, 2012). We have able

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Communication and Diversity challenges in the Workplace Research Paper

Communication and Diversity challenges in the Workplace - Research Paper Example On the other hand, workplace diversity entails the range of dissimilarities among individuals in an organization. Diversity incorporates background, race, education, gender, organizational function, ethnic group, cognitive style, age, tenure, personality, among other components. Diversity also entails how individuals perceive themselves and other people. These perceptions have an impact on the interaction of individuals. The human resource department in an organization should adequately deal with issues, for example, change and adaptability, and communication for a large number of workers to work properly in an organization. Moreover, profitable organizations realize the significance of rapid action and are willing to utilize resources so as to manage diversity in their organizations. This paper will look at communication and diversity challenges in the place of work. Effective and efficient communication is extremely essential for the success of organizations that every member of an organization should be proper communicators. A manager has a duty to ensure all workers have efficient communication skills. In addition, adequate communication in an organization plays a significant part in establishing everlasting worker motivation. Organizations that have well established communication benefit from enhanced relationships between individuals. It is essential that both management and workers have efficient communication between them because this will ensure organizational functions run smoothly. In addition, proficient communication skill will help members of an organization enhance time management in their places of work. The ability exists for a manager to supervise his own time as well as keeping the workers concentrated on deadlines. Comprehending the communication course opens numerous opportunities to enhance productivity (Eunson 2007, 51). Organizations face a number of communication challenges in the workplace. First, language barrier may turn into a commu nication problem. There may be language barrier between individuals of different levels of work experience, ages, and ethnic background. Language barrier may create a misunderstanding or slow down communication that makes communication inadequate. Second, Effective and efficient communication in the workplace depends on professional connection aimed at helping in the continued development of the organization or everyday functioning of the organization (Gerson and Gerson 2007, 78). When workers allow personal concerns to have an impact on company communication, a communication difficulty arises and could exist for long before being discovered and resolved. Individuals who decline to communicate on the basis of personal conflicts may destroy the organization’s capability to engage in business and as a result, slow or deter the development of the organization. Third, one direction communication may result into an inadequate way of exchanging information all around the company. M anagerial staff and workers should give feedback every time so as to enhance the quality of information being passed on and the way in which the information is communicated. For instance, if the human resource department frequently communicates information in a way that is confusing to other individuals in the organization, then the human resource department needs to be made aware of the communication issues or else the information coming from the human resourc

Monday, August 26, 2019

Sustainability issues in providing Healthcare Services at Nicaragua Research Paper

Sustainability issues in providing Healthcare Services at Nicaragua Canal Project - Research Paper Example The HCSS proposed project’s objectives are focused towards developing a new canal project in Nicaragua whose most beneficiaries are employees and their families in conjunction with provision of healthcare services to the indigenous people. In addition, the proposed project has provoked the HCSS and CSR expertise to design a health management program that proactively identifies evacuating and healthcare services related issues with aims of reducing accidents, trauma and congestion of shipping traffics. Therefore, marketing, environmental management, and human resources related issues are identified within the organization illustrating environmental, Capacity Building and Corporate Social Responsibility dilemmas as the central challenges that needs resolution for mitigation measures (Frutos-Bencze, 2014). The analysis presented in this paper is helpful in understanding sustainability and health care services in relation to Nicaraguan canal development. Further analysis in this paper uncovers the entire organization dilemma, issues, and concepts or approaches used to tackle in tackling all the related issues in relation to HCSS developers, locals, and Federal Government agencies. In details, the paper explores and explains the Nicaraguan environmental issues exposing out the significance of the government structure and the corporate social responsibilities and the theories generated to support the arguments (Ogawa & Suzuki, 2015). Based on international context for sustainability, capacity building, and Corporate Social Responsibility the paper critically evaluates the impacts of environmental implications in relation to the Nicaraguan environmental issues as well as business growth (Grove & Berg, 2014). As Nicaraguan health care program experiences foundational dilemmas from different components of marketing, environmental management to human

LS week5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

LS week5 - Essay Example The employees follow the instructions relayed by the managers and there is very little participation as a team. The team members do not have an intricate caring for the task and this results in reduced performance throughput from the team as a whole. The traditional heroic model of leadership is followed and the leadership authority resides with individuals, based on their level of hierarchy. Being a manager I understand the need to make the employees in the team perform with an intrinsic caring for their tasks. Team empowerment is defined as increased motivation in the team at performing a task due to team members’ collective, positive assessments of their relationship to tasks within the organization (Kirkman, Rosen, 2000). As the motivation factor lacks in the organization the effort put into the task by the team is low, resulting in poor performance. Self leadership has been defined as â€Å"the influence we exert on ourselves to achieve self motivation and self-direction we need to perform† (Manz and Sims, 1991, pg.23). Self leadership qualities are a must with the team leaders and managers. As the leaders a majority of them in my organization lack these leadership skills the teams fail to succeed. The expectations are unclear, the roles and responsibilities of the team members are not elaborate and this results in missed deadlines and duplication of effort. There is poor communication within the teams and the teams are not well organized due to lack of self leadership qualities amongst the leaders. Organizations are now increasingly facing high levels of dynamic, complex changes and environmental uncertainties (Champy, Nohria, 1997). In my organization the lack of efficient facilitators has resulted in poor role clarity and poor understanding of the organizations objectives. There are numerous conflicts within the organization and the conflict resolution process has to be handled better. I have discussed about employee

Sunday, August 25, 2019

America became a culturally distinct place from England during the Essay

America became a culturally distinct place from England during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Using information about decorative arts, architecture, - Essay Example One of the cultural differences that emerged between England and America was in speech. Americans no longer carry even a hint of a British accent. The Americans created a new unique form of English. Several reasons can explain this phenomenon. First and foremost Americans wanted to show their lack of class. Classes such as nobility, middle, and lower classes had their own accents in England. America wanted everyone to be equal. Thus by speaking slurred English, Americans showed their solidarity with one another (Larkin, 1989: 154). The melting pot of cultures that came to America also contributed to the unique English. Germans, Italians, Irish, African, and many other cultures collided with their accents making the American accent. Americans did not want to create an English Colony, they wanted to create a new country with a new language. American English is also written differently than British English. For example, Americans write center, whereas the British write centre. The British do not write words ending in er, but use re. The lack of reading material in the beginning of the Colonies might have contributed to the misspelling of words, which in turn created this whole new distinctive English (Larkin, 1989: 36). Words for common things also became different. In England, a queue is a line in America. This could be created to the illiterate, which spelled the words wrong, with a new generation adopting them, or a deliberate attempt to leave their English roots behind. The Americans created a new version of English that is still around today. Art in America reflected the culture that the artist came from. Pictures of farmers, landscapes, and hardships started appearing in the seventeenth and eighteenth century (Larkin, 1989: 176). These paintings were exclusively American, since they depicted American life. American Gothic, Old Virginia Home, and The Declaration of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Research Paper Example Free radius is configured according to requirements based on functions. On the internet world, FreeRadius is most reliable solution for cyber crimes as it has multiple ways of solution against cyber crimes. Most significant use of Free Radius as a security program is for the specialized Wi Fi networks. FreeRadius users do not require any hardware or specific interface; instead they only need to have user name and password registered by the FreeRadious. In a company, employees use the certificates of given access for the company’s database and network. Time and cost are important constraints in securing the company’s network. Cost includes the purchase of hardware and other expenses of securing the network. FreeRadius is free software, which does not require an additional cost. It produces its own security certificates and compatible for all protocols used (Urpi, 13). Plenty of Linux flavor exist there and provide ways to take control of the PCs. Some of the Linux distributions are designed for easier of use of beginners. Distribution is fashioned around the Linux Kernel that varies in its functions and forms. Linux Kernel is portable that runs on the array of CPU and other devices including the Compaq iPAQ, IBM S390 and IBM Linux (Sterling, 67). Creation of Linux distribution is an intimidating task for a scratch product. Process of creation of Linux distribution involves a tool chain for a root file system and also a buildup of the Kernel. Building the proper tools requires the follow up of the simple steps (Sally). Most of IT professionals argue that Ubuntu is a top distribution in Linux. Even those who use other than Ubuntu call it a powerful distribution as things work correctly. Fedora is considered the alternative of the Ubuntu as Red Hat community always prioritized the server based features than desktop enhancements. Linux Mint shares many features of Debian and Ubuntu distributions. Linux Mint is another fine option for the Linux

Friday, August 23, 2019

Language Development in Infants and Toddlers Essay

Language Development in Infants and Toddlers - Essay Example Similarly, for toddlers you can do the same activity by teaching him complex adjectives like heavy and light, beautiful and ugly, wide and narrow, shallow and deep, by pointing out such objects for him and making utterances. For example, lift a heavy suitcase and utter, â€Å"Ooooooh! How heavy it is†, and he will grasp the idea that big things are heavy. Morphemic Knowledge Morphemic knowledge teaches children the word structure (Otto). For infants, it is a very good activity for the parents to read stories to them at bedtime. My mother used to tell fairytales to my brother when he was an infant and he always seemed to respond with his goo-goo, and he would fall down to sleep very quickly. I remember that he had started talking much earlier than any of us siblings. A similar activity for toddlers can be hearing from the toddler at night how he passed his day. He would make a story of it and would also make mistakes, like saying, â€Å"I drinked milk†, instead of  "I drank milk†, but the parent should repeat the corrected sentence instead of interrupting him, like saying, â€Å"Oh really you drank milk!† Doing so will teach him morphemic knowledge. References Otto, B. (2007). Literacy Development in Early Childhood. Reflective Teaching for Birth to Age Eight. USA: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Impact Of Global Climate Change On The U.S Market Essay Example for Free

The Impact Of Global Climate Change On The U.S Market Essay â€Å"In the history of science, no subject has been as meticulously reviewed and debated as global warming† (Weart, Spencer cited in Doughton, Sandi 2005). Yes, it is true that climate change, commonly referred to in literatures as Global Warming has grown from an environmental issue, to moral and ethical one. Today, with the debate over the issue is continuously being placed on headlines in broadcast and print media, climate change heats up to a serious political issue and then as an inevitable economic issue. Due to economic considerations, the United States, with President Bush refused to sign in the Kyoto Treaty which compels signatory countries to reduce carbon dioxide emission. For Bush, to sign in the treaty would mean compromising the United States economy due to the fact that the compliance requirements will be too expensive and that it would â€Å"hobble the economy† (Lynch, David 2006). Europe and Japan have already adopted the Kyoto Treaty in 1997. Despite Bush’ stand on the issue of global warming, economists and business analysts have positively pointed to the benefits of climate change to the world’s economy and indeed agreed that climate change has indeed provided a sound business opportunity for specific industries. Lynch, in the March 31, 2006 online issue of the USA Today, has cited several companies that recognized the business opportunity offered by the issue on global warming. Planktos is a small Silicon Valley company developed a business idea of selling its carbon-eating phytoplankton to countries in Europe which have plans of cutting down the carbon-dioxide emission. In 2005, the company had initially made a sale of $1.3 million to Solar Energy Ltd., based in Vancouver despite the fact that the product was still at the testing stage (Taylor, Chris, 2006). Another well-established company, the General Electric Company, has also recognized the huge business opportunity for signing up in the Kyoto Treaty. GE adopted a project called â€Å"Ecomagination Initiative† which focused on developing and producing environment-friendly technologies that it sees will make a sound market share for them. As early as 1988, DuPont started to stop making use of chlorofluorocarbons in their products and had reduced its carbon dioxide emission by 72% by the year 2003. What started as an effort to address our carbon footprint has turned out to be financially a very good thing (Fisher, Linda cited in Lynch, David 2006). One more thing that has improved in today’s view of climate change is that more and more private companies have recognized the truth of global warming and that there really is the need to take action at the most immediate time possible. Lynch reported that there are already forty companies who are joining business council organized by the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, among them are IBM, Whirlpool, John Hancock and Boeing. These companies did not seem to make a significant appeal to the United States economy which currently has not so far started taking economic steps to encourage the business community to curtail or at least curb their carbon dioxide emissions. The United States government might have good reasons to do so. Setting aside examples taken by European companies, government and private U.S. sector made estimates that Kyoto Treaty would cost its economy about $125 billion to $400 billion out of its $13 trillion annual cost (The USA Today, March 31, 2007). On the issue of economic impact of climate change, the United States got an ally in the person of Sir Nicholas Stern, a former World Bank Economist. Stern estimates that at the worst case scenario, â€Å"Global warming could cut the worlds annual economic output by as much as 20%† or at least 1% of the annual economic output (BBC News, October 27, 2006).   Mercer Investment Consulting survey resulted to a 44% institutional investors agreeing that climate change is very important or somewhat important in economic terms, while 14% said it would take five years more before the issue becomes significant (The USA Today, March 31, 2007). Looking back at the issue, climate change has divided even the scientific community, the climatologists in particular, into believers and skeptics. Do the Kyoto signatories belong to the believers’ side and the United States on the skeptics’ side? What is the truth behind the issue of global warming? What is in it that made it so controversial even in the field of science? According to recent results of Time, ABC and Standard polls, the Americans 85% believe that global warming is true and is happening right now (Taylor, Chris 2006). However, in the science world, results of surveys relative to the issue generally implies that the scientific community recognizes that there the world’s climate is changing and is warming. Skepticism is however a normal part of the scientific community. â€Å"Skepticism plays an essential role in scientific research, and, far from trying to silence skeptics, science invites their contributions. So too, the global warming debate benefits from traditional scientific skepticism† (Hansen, James 1999). So when skeptics are persistent on denying the threat of global warming while others agreed, the scientific community expects it. . â€Å"Such challenges eventually strengthen our understanding of the subject, but it is a never-ending process, as answers raise more questions to be pursued in order to further refine our knowledge†, said Hansen. One well-known researcher at the University of California, Naomi Oreskes found that there is bias on the part of the skeptics especially on the issue of global warming. â€Å"Few skeptics publish in peer-reviewed journals, which check for accuracy and omissions† (Oreskes, Naomi cited in Doughton, Sandi 2005). Doughton also stressed that most skeptics get government funding for their researches which also affect the objectivity of their research results. Regardless of the presence of the skeptics, there are evidences that climate change is real and that the scientific community recognizes its occurrence and serious threat. Oreskes of the University of California found that out that 1,000 studies published between 1993 and 2003, randomly selected by Oreskes, all point to the same conclusion that people are warming the planet (Doughton, Sandi 2005). The skeptics offer alternative causes of climate change, such as natural forces that mitigate the effects of greenhouse gases, although Doughton stressed that they were not so far able to explain these well. The Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC), a body of reputation established by the United Nations in 1988, finally have released its official stand on the issue in 2001:   There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities (The Seattle Times, October 11, 2005).   The IPCC reviews scientific reports every five years by 2,000 scientists, by the governments of every member country and the United States is not exempted. In 2006, the United States National Center for Policy Analysis released its official statement relative to its position in the 1992 UN Global Warming Treaty held at Rio de Janeiro, which calls for the voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction of member countries. NCPA made a cost analysis of the economic impact of the said treaty to the US economy and were summarized as follows (National Center for Policy Analysis, No. 213, September 6, 1996): Commitment to greenhouse gas emission reduction would consequently reduce US’ Gross Domestic Product y $200 billion annually. It is important to stress that the computation was based only on 10% greenhouse gas emission reduction rate based on 1990 records. The treaty would force the government to increase prices of gas by 60 cents per gallon in order to cover for the 10% reduction quota. The same also requires the government to double the price of heating oil (Burnett, Sterling 1996). The 1992 Rio commitment would cause half million Americans to lose their jobs in the next 14 years, according to the study conducted by DRI/McGraw Hill. In a separate study conducted by Constad Research Inc., 1992 Rio commitment would cause the United States to close 1.6 million job opportunities in nine years of its implementation. The above statements were made and released during the administration of Bill Clinton, who favors the Rio commitment. These could have been the same basis used by Bush who, unlike Clinton, opposed the updated version Kyoto Treaty. Even as UN member country, Bush has not yet signed into the treaty to cooperate with Japan and Europe on the effort of halting the effects of climate change. Let us consider that the technological changes in the United States economy would be expensive when it finally decided to make commitment to the Kyoto Treaty. Let us also assume that the cost analysis of the skeptics is accurate. But still, this writer believes that the cost of inaction would overturn the cost expensive cost of taking action for the US economy. This is based on the study prudently conducted by the University of Maryland, of which the results were summarized in Five Lessons as follows: Lesson 1: Economic Impacts Will Occur throughout the Country- All sectors of the economy will be negatively affected by climate change especially the agriculture, energy and transportation sectors.   The University of Maryland cited examples of forest fires which is blamed to global warming, cost California (Oakland, 1991) and the counties of San Diego and San Bernardino in 2003 over $2 billion damages. In 1997, floods in North Dakota and the Midwest in 1993 cost $1 billion and $6-8 billion in agricultural losses respectively (University of Maryland, p.3). Lesson 2: Economic Impacts Will Be Unevenly Distributed across Regions and Economic and Social Sectors – the study calculated that the maple sugar industry in the Northeast will suffer 15%-40% of revenue losses due to reduced sap flow. The dairy industry in California will suffer about $287-$982 million losses due to changes in temperature. Changes in temperature are also seen as one significant cause of the spread of pests and disease (University of Maryland, p.4). The adverse effects of the spread of spruce bark beetle which struck Alaska costs $332 million annual loss in its timber industry. Lesson 3: Negative Climate Impacts Will Outweigh Benefits for Most Economic Sectors – New York’s agricultural industry for example would be severely affected by the severe shortage of water supply especially in dry seasons wherein the Central Valley of the said state depends on their economic resources. Climate change would then expect to result in $6 billion losses. On the other hand, Texas will suffer losses up to $6.5 billion in 2030 and $10.13 billion in 2090 (University of Maryland, p.5). Lesson 4: Climate Change Will Place Immense Strain on Public Sector Budgets- due to the damages of frequent flooding and storms, the government would naturally be forced to allocate more funds for the rehabilitation of the damaged properties. Aside from this, the budget allocated for disasters or that part of the budget called calamity fund will necessarily increase as there will be more people to be rescued and relocated to safer areas. According to the calculation of the study, rise in sea levels by 20 inches in the year 2100 would require the federal government to allocate $23-$170 billion for damages in coastal properties. Increased global warming is also estimated by researchers to cost Washington State about 50% increase in fire-suppression in 2020 and over 100% increase by 2040 (p.6). Lesson 5: Secondary Effects Can Include Higher Prices, Reduced Income, Job Loss – damages in the agricultural sector would normally increase the prices of its products and therefore would be too heavy for consumers to carry. Reduced income in climate affected sectors, for example in the timber industry, in the aquaculture sector, in the amusement centers (beach resorts) would force investors and business owners to cut down on their expenses and so their employees too. More people will the lose their jobs as more and more economic sectors will be affected by the damages brought about by calamities attributable to global warming. Let us weigh things objectively. We have seen that both taking action and of non taking action would cost the United States economy significant amount of dollars. But we have seen the evidences that the cost of not taking action surpasses the costs should the US economy take action now. Technological changes to cope up with the Kyoto commitment quota are one-time investment efforts that will save millions, maybe billions of lives and trillions of properties and future revenues. The truth of the occurrence of global warming has already been well-established as well as the evidences of its adverse effects to different sectors of our society. If the US government is concerned about its economy for hesitating to sign in the Kyoto Treaty, they should seriously consider the economic opportunities taken by European companies as well as the Japanese nation over the issue.    WORKS CITED    Burnett, Sterling H (1996). US National Center for Policy Analysis. â€Å"Global Warming Treaty Costs for the U. S. Brief Analysis No. 213†. September 6, 1996. Retrieved on November 24, 2007 from Doughton, Sandi (2005). â€Å"The Truth about Global Warming†. The Seattle Times, October 11, 2005. Retrieved on November 24, 2007 from â€Å"Global Warming Threat to Growth†. BBC News, October 27, 2006. Retrieved on November 24, 2007 from Hansen, James (1999). â€Å"The Global Warming Debate†. Retrieved on November 24, 2007 from Lynch, David (2006). â€Å"Corporate America warms to fight against global warming† .The USA Today, May 31, 2006. Retrieved on November 24, 2007 from Taylor, Chris (2006). â€Å"Why global warming is good for business†. CNN News Online, April 17, 2006. Retrieved on November 24, 2007 from University of Maryland (2007). â€Å"The US Economic Impacts of Climate Change and the Costs of Inaction†. A Review and Assessment by the Center for Integrative Environmental Research (CIER). October 2007. pp.1-7

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

College Is a Waste of Time and Money Essay Example for Free

College Is a Waste of Time and Money Essay 1. Affluence- Abundance of money, property and other material goods Permissive- Habitually or characteristically accepting or tolerant of something, as social behavior or linguistic usage, which others might disapprove or forbid Elitist- A person having, thought to have, or professing superior intellect or talent, power, wealth, or membership in the upper echelons of society 2. The time and money put into college are not balanced with the return rate. * Society has developed an unspoken standard that college is the best fit for upcoming adults and for them to achieve the highest education possible. But in fact, most students do not want to be there because they do not want to learn. * â€Å"no more than 25 percent of their students are turned on by classwork†¦up to 30% are in college reluctantly† * College has failed at its expectations and promises to give opportunities to students that most bargained for. * There is already a surplus of adult workers in the economy with more experience than the out-of-college student. Even with a degree in hand, graduated students do not have the upper hand over the experienced adults. * College education fails to ready students for the real because liberal arts is a religion rather than a preparation. * â€Å"A liberal-arts education is supposed to provide you with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas, not a job.† 3. College is an over-rated system that does not give out what a student gives in. 4. Based on the author’s logic, I do agree with the author’s argument. Although she uses a small amount of specific evidence, she reasons well and thoroughly. As society has developed, it has pushed for everyone to obtain the highest education possible, which most students aren’t prepared for nor will they continue with their degree. The world simply cannot go round with a population full of highly educated people.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Feminism In The Handmaids Tale Essay -- Feminism Feminist Women Criti

Feminism In The Handmaid's Tale      Ã‚  Ã‚   Feminism as we know it began in the mid 1960's as the Women's Liberation Movement. Among its chief tenants is the idea of women's empowerment, the idea that women are capable of doing and should be allowed to do anything men can do. Feminists believe that neither sex is naturally superior. They stand behind the idea that women are inherently just as strong and intelligent as the so-called stronger sex. Many writers have taken up the cause of feminism in their work. One of the most well known writers to deal with feminist themes is Margaret Atwood. Her work is clearly influenced by the movement and many literary critics, as well as Atwood herself, have identified her as a feminist writer. However, one of Atwood's most successful books, The Handmaid's Tale, stands in stark contrast to the ideas of feminism. In fact, the female characters in the novel are portrayed in such a way that they directly conflict with the idea of women's empowerment.    On the surface, The Handmaid's Tale appears to be feminist in nature. The point-of-view character and narrator is a woman and thus we see the world through a woman's eyes. There's much more to the story than that, though. Atwood doesn't show us our world. She shows us a newly created world in which women lack the freedoms that they currently take for granted. This dystopian society is completely controlled by men. Of course, the men have help from the Aunts, a crack team of brainwashers that run the reeducation centers and teach the handmaids how to be slaves. These characters really don't speak well for womankind for two reasons. First of all, it's difficult to tell who their real life counterpart is, assuming that this... writers. It's obvious that Atwood intentionally set herself apart from these writers with The Handmaid's Tale. At times, she seems to disagree with them completely, such as when she shows pornography in a favorable manner. At other times, she portrays feminists themselves as the powerful women they would like to be seen as, but it's always with full disclosure of their human frailty. Atwood never bashes feminism. Instead, she shows both sides of it. Like everything else in the novel, feminism is shown to have good and bad elements. Even in Atwood's brave new world, there is no black and white.    Sources Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid's Tale. New York: Fawcett Crest, 1985. Moore, Pamela, Atwood, Margaret: The Handmaid's Tale. Boston, MS: Houghton Mifflin, 1986. Internet   

Monday, August 19, 2019

Trench Coat Mafia And Society :: essays research papers

The Trench coat Mafia Opinion MANY FACTORS CAUSED OUTBURST OF VIOLENCE There is no single factor that caused the outburst of violence on 20th April 1999, in Littleton, Colorado. Blaming a single factor as the cause of the Columbine High School massacre is as ludicrous as a nation blaming an economic crisis on one person alone. There were many contributing factors that led to this massacre, and with that, an array of warning signs, all of which were ignored by most people. If people were searching for a sole factor to blame, it would be most appropriate to blame the lack of awareness of the Columbine High School community. The killers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, talked about their love of guns openly at school and wrote death poetry during their English classes. Can't anyone see that such behaviour can lead to nothing but darkness? The group Harris and Klebold belonged to, the Trench coat Mafia, told classmates of their plans to carry out a massacre at school, but fellow students jeered and dismissed their comments as empty threats. The preferred attire of the Trench coat Mafia were black trench coats, sunglasses and army berets. This code of dress was designed to stand out from the rest of the students, and to attract attention to them. This was not a wise decision made by the group as it attracted more abuse from students and became clearly recognised as 'misfits'. This worsened the communication gap between the group and other students. The school should have identified this problem and attempt to rectify the situation. The group's alienation from the rest of the school community made most people think that they were outcasts and soon became inferior and the butt of jokes. This proves that bullying cannot be denied a part in the cause of this massacre. Bullying lowered the self-esteem of Harris and Klebold, who eventually resorted to violence, thinking that it would be the solution to their problems. However, If the 'misfits' were not jeered at but were accepted, they would not be misfits, and peaceful co-existence as civilised human beings would have been achieved. 'Seek and ye shall find'; stated Sophocles. Harris and Klebold did accordingly and proved this statement true during their search for weapons. However strict the government make the gun laws, there are always ways for minors to obtain weapons. It would be unfair if all of the blame was laid onto the lack of gun control.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Ethnography Essay -- Anthropology Culture Reflexivity Papers

Ethnography Works Cited Missing Anthropology is defined, in the most basic terms, as the study of other cultures. This field can subsequently be divided into more specific sects, and contain more precise defining characteristics, but this definition is essentially all that is needed. Anthropology is a science that attempts to look at other cultures and draw conclusions to questions that are raised while studying. An anthropologist is someone who accepts what is presented before them and is driven by an urge to understand each presentation as thoroughly as possible. Once the concept of anthropology is accepted, one must identify the means of reaching the goal of this field. In the sect of social anthropology, this vehicle is known as ethnography. This technique of studying is fundamentally, participant-observation, an attempt at becoming part of a culture in order to understand most fully. It is in this specific method, however, that disputes have arisen. As cut and dry as the definitions I have given may seem, anth ropologists have recently become disillusioned with these methods and have ventured into a new form of interpretation, known as reflexivityan analysis of the self within the fieldwork. This new form is, in essence, a breaking of the "rules of anthropology" established by early anthropologists and, similar to discoveries made in the fields of chemistry and biology, reflexivity is necessary in aiding in the advancement of this field, too. Before attention can be given to the concept of reflexivity and its benefit to anthropology, the "rules of anthropology," mentioned earlier, must be understood. Bronislaw Malinowskis "The subject, Method and Scope of this Enquiry" is a highly renowned account of early anthropolog... ...ut suggests using ones own role as another level of research to be undertaken. Anthropology began, and remains, a study of other cultures. The rules of which, defined by Malinowski and his contemporaries, included the traditional dichotomy of Self and Other. Reflexivity involves viewing the self in addition to the people of a different culture and on Self and Self instead of Other. Reflexivity is not a component that Malinowski would have included, in fact he states his opinion on the self within ethnographic work, "he may draw on himself for stimulus. But the two functions are separate, and in actual research they have to be separated both in time and conditions of work"(Malinowski,8). Advances must be made in anthropology and, despite the views of writers of the past, reflexivity has proven to be effective, successfully evolving into the field of anthropology.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Foundation of Business Law

Charlie is going to rescind the contract. He demands return of his money and compensation for the loss of commission on several high profile sales of his business. He wants to rescind the contract because the package of software recommend by Carmine was obsolete, despite Carmine’s assurances. This problem is concerned with the contents of the contract which is term in the contract, the misrepresentation and unconscionable conduct.Charlie will claim that Carmine verbal assurances about the condition of the package of the software which recommended by Carmine was unable to utilise the Land Titles Office’s electronic lodgement of documents. Carmine will refer to the written contract which contains a clause that there is no warranty is given about or the quality of the software. But the parol evidence will support Carmine’s contention that the contract between Charlie and Carmine which contains all the terms of the agreement.As these terms are clear and unambiguous, but there are no evidence can be admitted to change their contract. Charlie will claim that the â€Å"Contract of Sales† because that contract between he and Carmine was no in complete record. He will persist that it is an unclear and ambiguous written contract. If want applying the guidelines for the incorporation of oral terms it should show the guarantee about the software package in the term of the contract: * Timing of the statement Before signing the contract, Carmine have already assured Charlie.About that the software package was widely used by several of well-established real agencies in South Australia and was â€Å"more than adequate for a small agency which was treated as a term: Van den Esschert v Chappell (1960) WAR 114. * Where one of the parties has special skill and knowledge Carmine is a representative of Realtor Data Ltd which is a computer company that specialises in software for the real estate industry. So he has more knowledge and skill about the softw are than Charlie: Dick Bentley Productions v Harold Smith Motors (1965) 1 WLR 623. * Importance of the statementBefore signing the contract, Carmine has already repeated a request for assurance that the software can download all the conveyancing forms necessary for electronic lodgement at the Lands Titles Office, in the statement about the software was very important in the minds of both parties: Couchman v Hill (1947) KB 554. * Reduction of the term into writing The court will ask Charlie, why he does not persist to record the term in the written Contract of Sale: Routledge v Mckay (1954) 1 All ER 855. Charlie was unaware about the package of the software because he only has a basic knowledge about the software.Charlie can claim that the promise made by Carmine: ‘he assured Charlie would meet all his agency equipment’, it is a term of a separate or collateral contract which is supported by the consideration of entering into the main contract: De Lassalle v Guildford (1 901) 2 KB 215. The requirements of a collateral contract are as follow: * Promissory statement In the statement must have been promissory: JJ Savage & Sons Pty Ltd v Blakney (1970) 119 CLR 435. Carmine has already assured Charlie that he would meet all his agency requirements, which have already makes a promissory to Charlie.That mean the package of software can help Charlie download all the conveyancing forms necessary for electronic lodgement at the Charlie’s office. * Intention The promissory statement must have induced the other party to enter the contract: J Evan & Son (Portsmouth) Ltd v Andrea Merzario Ltd (1976) 1 WLR 1078. Charlie had signed and entered into the contract because Carmine assured Charlie that the package of software was widely used by several companies in South Australia and it is adequate for a small agency. Besides hat, Carmine also assured that Charlie would meet all his agency requirements. So, Charlie was induced and signed the contract. * No incon sistency There must be no inconsistency between the collateral contract and the term of the main contract: Hoyts v Spencer (1919) 27 CLR 133. This is an area difficultly for Charlie because the written contract does not record the oral promissory made by Carmine. Charlie asked Carmine that is the software suitable for his company use and Carmine has assured Charlie that it is suitable for his company but this is not written in the contract.Charlie has signed the contract without noticing that parol was not recorded in the written contract. If he sign the contract that means he has confirm the contract. Charlie would succeed in an action for misrepresentation. Carmine has made a statement of fact about the package of software (‘this package is widely used by several of well-established real agencies in South Australia wand was more than adequate for a small agency’) that is false and which has induced Charlie to signed and entered the contract. As a result of Carmine mis representation Charlie has suffered loss and damage of his company.It is fraudulent misrepresentation because Carmine knew that the package of software had already obsolete and had lie to make the sale. Charlie can rescind the contract and claim loss in the tort of deceit: Derry v Peek- Graw 12. 7. 2). Charlie can rescind the contract for unconscionable conduct. Carmine has destroyed the inequality in bargaining power that exists between him and Charlie. He is in much stronger position as a software dealer compared to Charlie who is in the weaker position as he just has basic knowledge of the software: CBA v Amadio (1983) 151 CLR 447.Conclusion * The parol evidence rule support Carmine contention that the contract between Charlie and Carmine contains all the terms of the agreement. * Charlie would argue that the contract is partly written and partly oral contract, so that is an incomplete contract. * Charlie can seek rescission of the contract and claim Carmine that his damages in t ort of fraudulent misrepresentation. * Charlie can rescind the contract between him and Carmine. References Foundation of Business Law 2012

Friday, August 16, 2019

Leadership at Essay is an internet giant in terms of e-commerce. It was incorporated by Jeff Bezos in 1994 under the name Cadabra. In 1995 he changed the name to Amazon because he decided the former sounded too similar to â€Å"cadaver† and because he wanted a name beginning with â€Å"A† so it would potentially be at the top of any search results returned in alphabetical order. has headquarters in Seattle, Washington but has retail websites across the globe. It is the world’s largest internet company. Jeff Bezos has a solid reputation that is appreciated by colleagues, employees, and customers alike. Forbes magazine touts his status as â€Å"our greatest living CEO† while his employees perhaps know him best for leaving an empty seat open at conference meeting tables. The empty chair is symbolic of the customer at and Bezos often refers to it as â€Å"the most important person in the room† (Hartung 2013). While many leaders in retail recognize the importance of customer satisfaction, by making the customer an active presence at meetings Jeff Bezos sends a powerful message to his constituents. Some of the characteristics of Jeff Bezos leadership style are that he always challenges idle thinking, he makes customer service a main priority, and he continuously renovates his approach. Bezos does not accept that there is one truth about the way things should be done, even if that way has proven to be successful previously. An example of how Bezos challenges idle thinking also illustrates his stark belief that failure is an opportunity to progress: Years ago, when the bulk of product was written and spoken language the company hired editors to write book and music reviews then decided to use customers critiques instead (Anders, 2012). That relatively small decision speaks volumes of Jeff’s commitment to truth and to customer satisfaction. A hallmark of Jeff Bezo’s leadership style is his innovative reinventing of any process, idea, or task regardless of how big or small it is. Bezo has a critical eye for improvement, and the intestinal fortitude to make changes where and whenever he sees fit. An example of this is Bezo’s solution to shipping fees. Instead of the expected shipping and handling fee added to  each item at checkout, he invented a unique solution. He implemented Amazon Prime, a service that charges an annual fee for unlimited 2 day shipping on eligible items, of which there are thousands. This has significantly reduced the hassle of checkout for several reasons. Subscribing to Amazon Prime eliminates calculating extra fees based on distance and the timeframe for delivery of items. It also promotes a positive customer experience by not seeing totals continue to increase as tax and shipping fees are tacked on during the last few clicks of checkout. Lastly, it speeds the checkout process by offering one click ordering using previously saved information such as address and payment info. A simple solution to the sometimes painful fees associated with product delivery has made a huge impact on the customers shopping experience! My own individual leadership styles and characteristics are similar to Jeff’s in regards to reinventing. Though I have never used that word to describe my approach it is in line with how I tackle and solve problems. I am never satisfied with one way to do things, and I abjure routine. At the forefront of my leadership style I am always considering my resources whether it be an innovative new process or lesson, considering the ideas my partner or team presents, and utilizing help in any fashion to carry out effective leadership. To be an effective leader, all of the leadership styles commonly associated with powerful leadership abilities would apply and they include Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating. The challenge for the leader is the flexibility to recognize the dynamics of the situation and be versatile in the application of the different styles. Consider a Mass Casualty Incident, or â€Å"MCI† such as the recent tragedy in Boston, the marathon bombing. MCI leadership would first be responsible for establishing command and Delegating others to oversee patient triaging, which is the sorting of victims by severity of injury or illness. As Emergency vehicles and personnel respond to the scene, MCI leadership would Direct resources to the appropriate locations. Because there may be so many different levels of personnel at the scene of an MCI, leadership may have to Coach lesser trained personnel to effectively carry out necessary tasks involved in scene management. Finally, an effective leader in this scenario would recognize where Supportive care, resources, and needs of the team should be addressed. Some of the leadership characteristics I share in common with Jeff Bezos are  passion, fearlessness, and confidence. Environmental or Societal factors that might influence my approach to leadership at this organization would be politics and inexperience. Even as I feel as though my leadership characteristics are similar to the CEO of Amazon’s, it would be a challenge to understand how they apply in a business model. In contrast, I have achieved efficiency and success with similar styles in a healthcare setting which can somewhat be comparable to business in the interest of organization, responsibility, and professionalism. Even if I were in a different organization I do not feel as though my style or characteristics would alter. I may adjust them to meet the demands of the current situation, organization or environment but I would always be functioning on a core set of values that would adapt to my needs, versus my needs adapting to my values. Economic conditions would influence my approach to leadership affecting budget and finances. Like Jeff Bezos, I support spending a significant amount of resources dedicated to customer service and evaluations of what the customer wants. In times of a strong economy I would want to expand the Amazon product and consider a restaurant line to the online retail chain as a means of satisfying 2 venues: a retail storefront, and a new experience for fine dining. Diners would be able to experience the Amazon style of purchasing by specifically choosing what ingredients, cooking methods, and dinging decor they want by placing orders through the website at tableside mounte d computers. Amazon Prime members would receive a discount or some type of special privilege, and orders would be delivered in a timely manner to the customer. References (2014, February 9). Retrieved September 2, 2014, from Anders, G. (2012, April 23). Jeff Bezos’s Top 10 Leadership Lessons. Retrieved September 5, 2014, from Hartung, A. (2013, January 8). Why Jeff Bezos is Our Greatest Living CEO. Retrieved September 5, 2014. McGinn, D. (2013, October 18). How Jeff Bezos Makes Decisions. Retrieved September 5, 2014, from

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Drinking Age

Kaitlyn Turner Fall 2010 CA 110 Mr. Foutz Introduction Attention-Getter: How many of you are 18? For those of you who are, 18 years old you are considered adults in nearly all aspects of the law, including voting rights and the ability to join the military, yet the United States still treats you as minors when it comes to drinking. Establishment of Credibility: According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services 7,000 teenagers under the age of 16 have already had their first sip of alcohol. Teen alcohol) According to the Century Council 10 million teens from the ages 12-20 admit to consuming alcohol in the past 30 days. 2% of 12 year olds drink, 22% of 16 years olds drink, and 56% of 20 year olds drink, and these percentages are steadily increasing. (Underage drinking statistics) Thesis/ Purpose: During my speech today, I will talk about how alcohol is ever-present in today’s American society. I will also talk about how alcohol is present all around people under 21 who ar e not allowed to consume it, but in reality most people under 21 drink alcohol and abuse alcohol.Throughout this speech I will try to persuade you to believe that the United States should lower their drinking age to 18, and begin educating teens on consuming alcohol responsibly. Preview of Main Points: First, I will discuss the current legal drinking age in the United States and other countries. Then, I will discuss the effects that the current legal drinking age has on America. Finally, I will talk about the potential benefits of a lower drinking age. ,, Body Main Idea 1: (Transition) Now, I am going to tell you about the current legal drinking age in the United States and other countries.A. United States 1. According to Alcohol Problems and Solutions legal drinking age in the United States is 21. i. Alcohol Problems and Solutions states, â€Å"The minimum drinking age of 21 in the U. S. appears to be not only ineffective but actually counter-productive. Although it was passed wit h the best of intentions, it has had some of the worst of outcomes. † 2. Legal drinking ages in the United States are under control of the states, which means the states get to decide how old they want their residents to be before being able to consume alcohol. . National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 ii. According to the Alcohol Policy Information System the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 required that states prohibit persons under the age of 21 from purchasing or publicly possessing alcohol beverages as a condition of receiving State highway funds. B. In Other Countries a. According to Alcohol Problems and Solutions countries legal drinking ages vary from zero-21. i. Some countries with no drinking age Jamaica, Viet Nam, and Morocco. ii.Some countries with a 16 year old legal drinking age are Germany, Greece, Norway, Poland, and Spain. iii. Some countries with an 18 year old legal drinking age are Belize, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Ireland, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. (Transition): Now that I have told you about the current legal drinking age in the United States and other countries, I will discuss the effects of the current drinking age. Main Idea 2: The United States legal drinking age of 21, has many negative effects on those who are under age. A.Alcohol is considered a, â€Å"Forbidden Fruit†. Alcohol is considered a forbidden fruit because prohibition increases the harm that it is supposed to reduce. a. Because the United States as such a high drinking age, teenagers are driven â€Å"underground† to drink alcohol. i. According to Parade. com Since teenagers are not allowed to drink openly in public, teens take their drinking to dorm rooms, isolated areas, or at unsupervised house parties. At these gatherings teens usually binge drink, because they are scared their party may be stopped. (Flynn) ii.Also according to Parade. com when teens come about a problem, such as someone drinking too much alco hol at these parties, or assaults, they are less likely to call for help because they are scared of getting in trouble. (Flynn) B. High Rates of Alcohol Abuse and Addiction b. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention binge drinking plays a huge part in Alcohol Abuse. Binge drinking is excessive drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration to . 08 percent or above. iii. Men – 5 drinks in two hours. iv. Women – 4 drinks in two hours. v.About 90% of the alcohol consumed by youth under the age of 21 in the United States is in the form of binge drinks. Main Idea 3 (Transition): Now that I have told you some of the negative effects of underage drinking, I will tell you about the potential benefits of a lower drinking age. A. Potential Benefits of a Lower Drinking Age a. Young people will learn to drink alcohol more responsibly. i. According to the group Choose Responsibility, if the drinking age is lowered to 18, everyone will be requ ired to take an alcohol education class before they turn 18 to inform them on the dangers of alcohol. . Would lead to less alcohol abuse and addiction ii. Since alcohol would no longer be considered a forbidden fruit, teens could drink in more open environments such as social events and bars where their consumption could be monitored. iii. Some teens may also feel as if they have a more freedom; therefore, they would make more responsible decisions when it comes to consuming alcohol. Conclusion Signal the End: Today I have hopefully persuaded you to believe that the United States should lower their legal drinking age.Review of Main Points: I have told you about the United States and other countries legal drinking ages. What the current legal drinking age does to American teens. Also, the potential benefits of a lower drinking age. Closing: Now that I have told you reasons to lower the drinking age I hope you agree that by lowering the drinking age, the United States can begin to rai se more responsible drinkers, who will not be as prone to alcohol abuse or addiction as today’s Americans are.Works Cited â€Å"15 Reasons Why Drinking Age Should be 18. 2009. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. Alcohol Policy Information System. â€Å"The National Minimum Drinking Age Policy of 1984. † Web. 29 Nov. 2010. â€Å"Binge Drinking. † Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2009. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. â€Å"Choose Responsibility. † 2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. Flynn, Sean. â€Å"Should the Drinking Age be lowered? † Parade. 2007. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. â€Å"Minimum Legal Drinking Ages around the World . † 2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. â€Å"Teen Alcohol† 2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2010. â€Å"Underage Drinking Statistics. † 2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2010.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Practice Midterm Exam (Statistics)

AMS572. 01 Practice Midterm Exam Fall, 2007 Instructions: This is a close book exam. Anyone who cheats in the exam shall receive a grade of F. Please provide complete solutions for full credit. Good luck! 1 (for all students in class). In a study of hypnotic suggestion, 5 male volunteers participated in a two-phase experimental session. In the first phase, respiration was measured while the subject was awake and at rest. In the second phase, the subject was told to imagine that he was performing muscular work, and respiration was measured again. Hypnosis was induced between the first and second phases; thus, the suggestion to imagine muscular work was â€Å"hypnotic suggestion† for these subjects. The accompanying table shows the measurements of total ventilation (liters of air per minute per square meter of body area) for all 5 subjects. Experimental Group | |Subject |Rest |Work | |1 |6 |6 | |2 |7 |9 | |3 |8 |9 | |4 |7 |10 | |5 |6 |7 | (1) Use suitable test to investigate whether there is any difference between the two experimental phases in terms of total ventilation. Please state the assumption(s) of the test and report the p-value. At the significance level of 0. 05, what is your conclusion? (2) Please write up the entire SAS program necessary to answer questions raised in (a). Please include the data step as well as tests for testing for various assumptions. Solution: (1) Assume that the difference [pic]is normal. [pic] and [pic] The hypotheses are [pic] v. s [pic]. The test statistic is [pic] Since [pic] and [pic], we can not reject [pic] at [pic]. [pic] (2) The SAS code is as follows: data hypnosis; input subject rest work @@; iff=work-rest; datalines; 1 6 6 2 7 9 3 8 9 4 7 10 5 6 7 ; run; proc univariate data=hypnosis normal; var diff; run; 2 (for all students in class). John Pauzke, president of Cereals Unlimited, Inc. , wants to be very certain that the mean weight ? of packages satisfies the package label weight of 16 ounces. The packages are filled by a machine that is set to fill each package to a specified weight. However, the machine has random variability measured by ? 2. John would like to have strong evidence that the mean package weight is above 16 ounces. George Williams, quality control manager, advises him to examine a random sample of 25 packages of cereal. From his past experience, George knew that the weight of the cereal packages follows a normal distribution with standard deviation 0. 4 ounce. At the significance level ? =. 05, (1) What is the decision rule (rejection region) in terms of the sample mean [pic]? Please derive the general formula using the concept of Type I error rate. (2) What is the power of the test when ? =16. 2 ounces? Please derive the general formula for power calculation first. 3) What is the sample size necessary to ensure a power of 80% when ? =16. 2 ounces? Please derive the general formula for sample size calculation based on the Type I and II error rates first. Solution: (1) [pic] [pic]. [pic]. [pic]. [pic] Hence, the rejection region is [pic]. (2) [pic] [pic] (3) [pic] [pic][pic]. [pic] Hence, about 25 packages of cereal should be sampled to achieve a power of 80% when (=16. 2 ounces. 3a (for all exc ept AMS PhD students). Inference on one population mean when the population is normal, and the population variance is known. Let [pic], be a random sample from the given normal population. Please prove that 1) [pic]. 2) [pic]. Solution: (1) [pic] Thus, [pic] (2) [pic] Thus, [pic] 3b (for AMS PhD students ONLY). For a random sample from any population for which the mean and variance exist. Please prove that 1) The sample mean and sample variance are unbiased estimators of the population mean and variance respectively. 2) When the population is normal, we have learned that the sample mean and the sample variance, are indeed, independent. Please prove this for n = 2. That is, for a random sample of size 2 only. Solution: (1) [pic] [pic] (2) When n=2, [pic], [pic] If we can show that [pic] and [pic] are independent, then [pic]and [pic]are independent. This can be done easily using the mgf technique: [pic] 4 (extra credit for all). An expert witness in a paternity suit testifies that the length (in days) of pregnancy (that is, the time from impregnation to the delivery of the child) is approximately normally distributed with parameter [pic] and [pic]. The defendant in the suit is able to prove that he was out of the country during a period that began 290 days before the birth of the child and ended 240 days before the birth. If the defendant was, in fact, the father of the child, what is the probability that the mother could have had the very long or very short pregnancy indicated by the testimony? Solution:let [pic]~[pic] and [pic]~[pic] [pic](the woman had a very long or very short pregnancy) [pic] [pic] Happy Halloween!

NBA Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

NBA - Research Proposal Example This study would involve a quantitative research design. The researcher will use all the data from and This type of data can be referred to as secondary data. In this context, secondary data refers to data that are not from the researcher’s personal sources (Peeffer 6). This means that the researcher cannot boast of being the original collector or owner of secondary data. As is often is the case, secondary data are not first-hand data but once the approach towards their collection is well conducted, the researcher can be assured of authentic data (Peeffer 6). To ensure that there is authenticity, the researcher first shall develop a data log. The data log will involve a statement of all themes or topics that the researcher would wish to collect. Next, the researcher will form a list of sources including internet sources in which the data would be obtained. The researcher will then collect the sources and samples from the specific materials that are useful tow ards the answering of the research questions proposed. The researcher will make use of the quantitative reviews of the materials selected from the sources. This means that, the researcher will not only gather information from the sources but also discuss the quotations by comparing ideas from different sources and drawing personal conclusions. By the end of the study, data will be collected, analyzed through coding first and the later through triangulation of the coded data. Descriptive techniques such as tables, charts, percentages and charts will then be used to present the analyzed data. Secondary data will also be used in the analysis of the causal effect of NBA team’s salary dispersion, the degree of team’s tacit understanding, team efficiency, and super star player on team performance and a comparison will be made with already conducted studies on the same topic. The obtained

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Political, Fiscal and Programmatic Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Political, Fiscal and Programmatic Power - Essay Example National Governments assumed more and more power and the original spirit of the federalism under which states had a role too diminished. Though the federalism emerged as a concept of sharing the powers of the states and the national government however, the power naturally shifted towards the national government. Though this may be considered as good however, states being the laboratories for democracy tend to have their own role too. The founding fathers of the country established this mechanism of governance in order to control the overlapping of powers between different organs of the State however, the power ultimately shifted. Over the period of time, powers such as fiscal, political as well as programmatic have been largely in the hands of national government. This paper will therefore discuss as to whether these powers should be shifted towards the states or not in order to streamline the powers between national governments and states. Federalism in US It is argued that the fede ralism emerged out of a political necessity and it was established in order to consolidate the different states under one national government. One of the plausible explanations of the federalism was actually to prevent the rise of the power holders and balance the powers between different power holders. ... (Gerston, 2007) Theoretically, a federal system is based upon a system in which the overall power and authority is shared between a central government at the national level and different sub-governments. This very characteristics of dividing the power between different players actually limits the authority and also preserve the representative democracy. As such , federalism blends both the centralized as well as de-centralized political systems thus creating a fusion of governance mechanism which can ensure transparency and balance. Historically, however, except the general assignments as outlined specifically within US constitution, there has been a critical struggle between the national governments and states to maintain the powers between themselves. The overlapping of powers, roles and responsibilities between states and national government therefore requires critical insight and exploration into the practical nature of the federalism and whether it has achieved its objectives or not. The era from great depression to at least 1980s, even the apex court of the country gave decisions based on entrusting greater powers to the national government under the impression that strong central government is necessary for ensuring fiscal stability within the country. States and National Government National Government, in US, evolved as a result of creating a policy making entity at the top. As such the laws passed by the Congress almost touched every aspect of human life. This approach towards law making and the historical tendency of the Congressmen to pass laws with uniform policy implications for the social sphere of life at least have been historically on rise. Right from

Monday, August 12, 2019

Management Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Management Principles - Essay Example These fundamental rules are called management principles and are applied by managers and leaders belonging to different organizations. For example, under the ‘directing’ activity of management, a manager should show equity, that is, he should be fair and kind to the employees working under him. We will further understand the meaning of management, management principles and related terms as we continue with our report. Differences between a Business Manager and a Business Leader Management and leadership are misunderstood to be the exactly the same thing. These terms are related; however, there is slight difference between the scopes of these terms. If we consider leadership as being a set of activities, management is, hence, a subset of leadership but not a proper subset. This suggests that leadership has a larger scope of activities of which management is also a part. The manger’s job is to plan, coordinate and organize and the leader’s job is to motivate and inspire. The difference between a business manager and a business leader can be listed as below: 1. A leader innovates whereas a manager administers. 2. A leader inspires trust whereas a manager controls 3. A leader focuses on people whereas a manager focuses on structures and systems. 4. A leader has a long range of view whereas a manager has a short range of view in terms of the objectives. 5. A leader develops whereas a manager maintains. 6. A leader works with the questions of what and why whereas a manager uses the questions how and when. 7. A leader is original and natural; hence does the right things whereas a manager imitates; hence does the things right. (Murray, 2010, as cited in Bennis, 1989). Folio3, Software House: An Incorporation of Management and Leadership Folio3 is a... This paper approves that the number of projects that Folio3 receives from its clients determines the number of project teams that are established in the Company. Each project is assigned to a group of teams. These teams are concerned and work on different areas of the project. For example, banking management software is assigned to a project group which has the following teams: analysis team, development team, design team and others. A project group is supervised by a manager. Each team inside a project group is in charge of a team leader or a head in other words. For example, the development team is run by a single leader or head under which programmers are working as sub-ordinates. The size of a project group depends on the size of the project. In this way, a manager is supervising the project group having a number of teams each in charge of a leader or a head. Management and leadership are misunderstood to be the exactly the same thing. These terms are related; however, there is slight difference between the scopes of these terms. If we consider leadership as being a set of activities, management is, hence, a subset of leadership but not a proper subset. This suggests that leadership has a larger scope of activities of which management is also a part. This essay makes a conclusion that the concept of management and leadership is changing as the world is advancing. Their activities are separated as well. Leadership is mainly categorized by activities of motivation and inspiration of the workforce while management is mainly categorized by organizing and monitoring the activities of the workforce.